
Upcoming Events

Embodying the Starlit Codes of The Cosmic Lion this Lionsgate

In Person Event hosted by Jackie White of Inspirations PLG

New Forest, UK

Tim and Alice are thrilled to be coming together in person again to offer Light language attunements, channelled divine wisdom, coded activations and community upliftment! This day is set to be one like no other!

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Workshop Recordings

Past Life Regression and Karma Clearing

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

With Eclipses inviting us to transform and let go, and the Equinox bringing balance…this is the perfect time to embark upon a Past-Life Regression and Karma Clearing. Start your Zodiac New Year with a Clean Slate and Clear Energy!

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Welcome to the MER Realm!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

Are the beckoning waves of the Ocean Calling you…? Are the Angels of the Sea singing to you..? Come and connect with your Oceanic Self and feel the sacred love of the primordial Mother..! 

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Fearless Awakening: Embracing Your Greatness with Grace

Online Workshop with Alice Heath and Emma Sullivan

Join Emma and Alice as it’s time to Awaken your inner Truth, Fuel your heartfelt Courage and powerfully embrace Your Greatness with the Grace of who YOU truly are! The time is NOW – will you hear the call of your Inner Fire?! 

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Welcome to the FAERY Realm!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

Are the FAE calling you forth…? Calling through the trees, the flowers, the birds, the bees…? Is Gaia and her guardians calling you to dive into the beauty of the cyclical nature of the sacred planet we’re on…? Let’s dive into the realm of the Fae together..!

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Life as a Living Prayer – Christ Series Continuation

Online Workshop with Alice Heath and Tim Whild

2025 continues and January is well on its way! And since we opened the Christ Portal together on the 12:12, a lot has energetically happened! They rays of Light surrounding Gaia’s Aura and the frequency of Love moving through our Sun to us is unparalleled! The more our hearts open, the more Love we draw through!

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Welcome to the Unicorn Realm!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

The Unicorns have a gift to imbue..! A sacred offering to those with Hearts ready to receive…! Will you welcome their Love to start 2025..?!

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Opening the Christ Portal! Activating Your Jupiter Solar-Body!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath and Tim Whild

Join Tim and Alice as we journey through the cosmic realms, opening our hearts and minds to receive the profound gifts and energies of the Benevolent Ones of Jupiter. It’s time to embrace your divine inheritance and step into a reality filled with expansive possibilities!

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Creation in the WOMB of NO-THING 🌹

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

In the Cosmic Womb, all things birth..! This is the eternal space where there is equally No-Thing and Every-Thing…a blank canvas ready to be imbued with Light and birth anew..! What seeds will you plant in this sacred and cosmic time?

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Healing the Inner Child – part 3

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

Each of us have a radiant, beautiful, Divine Inner Child wishing so deeply that we’d hear and see them..! In this 3 part series, join Alice as we discover what hidden wounds our inner child may have developed, and how we can bring forth their unified, expressive, divine self! This series will help not only your own life experience, but also positively impact those who are parents or guardians of Children as well 🌈

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Healing the Inner Child – part 2

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

Each of us have a radiant, beautiful, Divine Inner Child wishing so deeply that we’d hear and see them..! In this 3 part series, join Alice as we discover what hidden wounds our inner child may have developed, and how we can bring forth their unified, expressive, divine self! This series will help not only your own life experience, but also positively impact those who are parents or guardians of Children as well 🌈

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Healing the Inner Child – part 1

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

Each of us have a radiant, beautiful, Divine Inner Child wishing so deeply that we’d hear and see them..!n this 3 part series, join Alice as we discover what hidden wounds our inner child may have developed, and how we can bring forth their unified, expressive, divine self! This series will help not only your own life experience, but also positively impact those who are parents or guardians of Children too 🌈

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Metatrons MerKaBa!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

The 10:10 portal marks the conclusion of current karmic cycles you’ve been on for a number of years..! To celebrate, Archangel Metatron wishes to take you on a journey to receive his Higher Light Coded MerKaBA..! Will you join us..?

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Harmony, Ease and Balance – A Free Equinox Workshop

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

Equinox Joy and Energetic Rebalancing awaits in this free workshop!

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Harmonising Soul Connections!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath and Emma Sullivan

Where is our Tribe? Who are our Soul Family? How do we maintain the feeling of safety and compassion when everyone is experiencing their own human process and series of triggers & initiations? With the beautiful energy of this Super Full Moon and Autumnal Equinox supporting us in our connections, now is the optimum time to welcome in your conscious Spiritual Family!

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Relaxing the Masculine Heartshield!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

Throughout this lifetime our inner Masculine has grown stronger and stronger walls around each of our Hearts. The trouble is, this gets in the way of deepening sacred relationships and cultivating romance..! Join Alice on Tuesday 3rd Sep as we relax the Masculine Shield and invite ourselves to feel safe in Love!

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With Grounded Feet and an Open Crown

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

After a powerful Lionsgate, we have all received potent and promising higher codings of Source! We will be joined in this workshop by our friends of Light for a nourishing, wholesome event intended to help you release extra “static” energy from Leo season, and feel divinely grounded and stable in your new Divine Embodiment!

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LET LOVE IN! A Free Lionsgate 8:8 Mini Workshop!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

It’s time to step through the Gateway of the Heart…Feel your Soul sing to you…Reset the Energy field to Beautiful, Radiant Love…Your Unified Heart-Fire Awaits!

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Hearing the ROAR of Your LIONHEART!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

The Heart has its own voice, powerful strength and mighty courage! During this workshop, Join Alice as we tap into the true power of Leo in the run up to Lionsgateway! In this workshop, our Divine Masculine will step up to be crowned!

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Light Integration and Deep Healing Cocoon with Tim and Alice

Online Workshop with Alice Heath and Tim Whild

Tim and Alice are thrilled to once again be combining their Love and Energy to bring you this wholesome, nourishing and deeply healing experience! One which you can repeat as often as needed!

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Mastering the Cosmic Gateways

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

Throughout the year we are greeted by numerous different, yet very potent cosmic gateways and portals. Oftentimes we aren’t fully sure how to manage the energy and maximise upon them, so instead we can often get a little swept off our feet. Join Alice on Tuesday 2nd July as we go through how to truly stay grounded in each portal and optimise the energy they are offering!

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Rising Up! A Super Solstice workshop!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

So many of us crave and wish for more in life. Yet if it was so simple to attain, we’d already be there, surely..? So then why aren’t we..? Join Alice on Thursday 20th June for this FREE Super Solstice Workshop…time to RISE UP!

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The Magic of Our Crystalline Self

Online Workshop with Alice Heath and Jackie White

Join Jackie and Alice on Tuesday 9th April 2024 in this wonderful exploration into the Crystalline Self! 💎

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Creating Conscious Relationships through Healing the Mind

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

Nourishing and Loving Relationships are something we all desire and deserve…yet we don’t often realise how the unconscious programmes of our mind block our Soul Family from entering..! Join Alice on Friday 9th Feb in this practical power hour as we discover how to Create Conscious Relationships through Healing the Mind!

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Abundant Within, Abundant Without! Inspiration in the Hot Seat!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath and Jackie White

Join Jackie and Alice on Tuesday 6th Feb for a power hour of Inspiration in the Hot Seat! Ask the questions you want to ask, receive directly channelled Guidance from the Ineffable Infinite Intelligence of Source to help you create more Affluence, Ease and Joy in your Life!

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Mastering Your Mind to Consciously Create!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

Your mind is an incredibly powerful tool which we need to master in order to create the reality we desire! Yet so many of us are creating passively and unknowingly. Join Alice on Friday 19th Jan as we discover how to Master Your Mind and Consciously Create!

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Awakening Your Royal Codex and Cosmic Abundance

Online Workshop with Alice Heath and Tim Whild

Join Tim and Alice as we journey through the Stargates of Ascended Sirius and Lyra to connect with the Regal Ones of the Stars! Here we will clear the blocking energies creating fear around flow, remember powerful High Priest and Priestess timelines which embody affluence and divine connection fully, and activate the next layer of prosperity, divine inheritance, creational energies and true sovereign wholeness!

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A Celebration of Sacred Union with Horus!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

As the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine raise the Light in Holy Union with one another, they form a 3rd energy…the light of the Christ! From which the Star Child is birthed! Are you ready for your Christed Codes to be awakened and ignited…? Are you ready to step fully into your Alchemical Mastery…? Are you ready for the celebration of Horus?!

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A Solar Invitation of Sacred Initiation with Ra

Lunar Eclipse Online Workshop with Alice Heath

The Ancient Sun God is beaming down to You…! Can you hear Him call you home? Can you feel His tears of Love…? Join Alice on this energetically charged Full Moon Lunar Eclipse for the most potent invitation of Sacred Solar Initiation in the Ancient Temples of Divine Remembrance!

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Mother Mary’s Blue Rose of Grace

Online Workshop with Alice Heath and Jackie White

The ineffable compassion of Mother Mary is something so sacred and nourishing that to be touched by Her Light can move mountains within us 🩵 Join Jackie and Alice, 7-8:15pm on Thursday 26th October as we release and untangle deep wounds of the heart in this gentle, yet profound healing experience! Let your True Heart shine forth !!! 🩵

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A Lunar Invitation of Sacred Initiation With Isis

Solar Eclipse Online Workshop with Alice Heath

The Lady of 10000 names is calling You…! Can you hear her? Can you feel her stirring within…? Join Alice on the auspiciously powerful Friday 13th for the most beloved invitation of Sacred Lunar Initiation! Just in time for the New Moon Solar Eclipse!

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All 3 Eclipse Initiations! With Isis, Ra, Horus and Osiris!

Trinity of Online Workshops with Alice Heath

The Lady of 10000 names is calling You…! And the Ancient Sun God is beaming down to You…! Waiting to activate…impregnate…within you the Ancient Codes of Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine Union…! Awakening and Illuminating your MerKaBa! Join Isis, Ra, Horus and Osiris in this 3 part Eclipse season journey of Initiation!

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The Darkest of Nights birth the Brightest of Dawns!

FREE Online Workshop with Alice Heath

When we’re feeling happy and loved, life is easy…simple…blissful! Yet, what about when faced with challenge? Conflict? Controversy..? What is the easiest, quickest way back to joy?

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The Mystery of Your Life Force Energy!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath, replay included!

Join Alice as we delve into the sacred and mysterious truths of what Life Force energy is, how it is cultivated, and what happens when we start to master our inner streams of Source!

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Empowering the Empath: Sensitivity is your GIFT!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath and Emma Sullivan

Many of us find our sensitive nature challenging in today’s world…but what if, instead of seeing sensitivity as a burden, you could explore it as an immense strength?! Time to harness your Superpower!!

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Stepping Fully into Your Spiritual Service

Online Workshop with Alice Heath and Tim Whild

Join Tim and Alice as we journey to the the Temple of Poseidon and far beyond; receive spiritual clarity & wisdom; energetic freedom & pure love; and move through this time feeling more connected with your Soul Purpose than ever before!

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Softening to Love

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

Settle into your presence, your Heart, Your Womb and your Love… Let your Sacred Feminine softness welcome in the joys of a full and unified Heart!

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Stand In Your Power!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

Standing in Your Power, no matter the adversity. Open Throat, Open Mind, Open Heart. Join Alice on Monday 17th July for this power-hour!

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Atlantis and the Essenes – The Golden Thread

Workshop Recording with Alice Heath and Camilla Aurea KumaRa

Amongst us today are those who resonate with the name “Essene”…those who have carried the Golden Thread of Christ in their hearts…protected, nurtured and vowed to remain in love leading the way for Earth. Join Camilla and Alice as we discover how this Golden Path connects back to Atlantis, as we activate the Brother and Sisterhoods of Light within!

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Ascension Secrets of the 7 Sacred Suns!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath and Tim Whild

The 7 Suns assisting our Ascension Process have a sacred offering to impart at this time…codings, templates, gifts, healing and technology…activating within you your Multidimensional Solar Body!

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Getting to Know Your Team of Light!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

We are never alone in this world…never. Although, from our physical perspective we may feel that way. In reality, each of us has a whole entourage of Light around us, helping us make decisions, protecting us, comforting us and being cheeky with us! This entourage is commonly known as our Team of Light!

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Andromedan Wisdom and the Big Collective Release!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath and Tim Whild

The 4/4 portal holds such high frequency Angelic and Galactic key codes for our personal ascension process and that of the collective. It often indicates a big rebirth in our own soul evolution, offers us stability in the new foundations we’re building upon and invites us to walk a wiser more Christed embodied state!

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Ancient Secrets of Sacred Union – part 2

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

Join us for a powerful 2 part series of Sacred Remembrance as we discover the ancient Gnostic teachings & Tantric practices to help you truly Master your Reality!

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Ancient Secrets of Sacred Union – part 1

Zoom Workshop with Alice Heath

Join us for a powerful 2 part series of Sacred Remembrance as we discover the ancient Gnostic teachings & Tantric practices to help you truly Master your Reality!

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Remembering Your Sacred Lineage: Way of the Rose

Zoom with Alice Heath and Jackie White

Passion, Purity, Sanctity & Grace…Mystery Schools Remembered…Embodied…Awakened within..! Come join us for an evening of Sacred Remembrance, Key Code Activations and Light Language Attunements as we reawaken within you the Way of the Rose!

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The Great Ascension Crystal of Orion

Online Workshop with Alice Heath and Tim Whild

Join Tim and Alice to receive this blessed cosmic gift and crucial tool, as we begin to lay the higher foundational diamond-crystal grid for the next 10 years!

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Home Coming: A Star Family Reunion

Zoom Workshop with Camilla KumaRa and Alice Heath

Through every cell of our body the whole Universe resides! Every Star, Constellation and Family of Light runs through the dormant 13 strands of Star DNA…just waiting to be activated…remembered…just waiting to welcome you Home!

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Becoming Your Bliss! Total Lunar Eclipse Workshop

Zoom Workshop with Alice Heath

With the Moon being in Taurus for the actual Eclipse, She will offer us a complete reset in all things Love, Beauty, Pleasure and Abundance!

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Illuminate Your Truth – A Solar Eclipse Workshop

Zoom Workshop with Alice Heath

With the Sun and Moon kissing in the sky, all in the sign of Scorpio, a poignant multi-dimensional portal opens! We have a unique opportunity to release deep karmic blocks that haven’t been available before now!

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Embodying Your Monad

Zoom Workshop with Alice Heath and Tim Whild

In this workshop, Alice Heath and Tim Whild will be pooling their knowledge, resources and Light together to bring you a workshop that will assist you in Discovering and Embodying your Monad, and maintaining a crystalline structure to house it in. 

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Activating Your Highest Atlantean Timeline

Zoom Workshop with Alice Heath and Tim Whild

The period between the Solstice and the Lions Gate is incredibly important as it is pure preparation time. Tonight’s workshop will be harnessing the window of opportunity provided by the 7/7 portal and stepping into the Temple of the One True Light from the era of Golden Atlantis.

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Discover Your Starlight Within – A Higher Throat Activation & Light Language discovery!

Zoom Workshop with Alice Heath

The Higher Throat is very much wishing to rebirth itself, and with it, it’s sacred voice! Join us in this workshop to discover your sacred language of Light and how to activate it!

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An invitation from Gaia & the Seraphim

Zoom Workshop with Alice Heath

The 3:3 key code offers such ineffable Light, harmony, joy and bliss. When we attune to the number of 3, we engage cosmic flow, abundance and radiate true love from our hearts. With this Light we are able to transmute lower energies within and around simply by Being, which then opens up higher manifestations and freedom of flow

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The Return of the Sun King

Zoom Workshop with Alice Heath & Melissa Virtue

Join us for the total solar eclipse for an hour of deep initiatory experience. Come discover your Sun King and learn what this means for your journey.

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A Venusian Initiation

Zoom Workshop with Alice Heath & Melissa Virtue

A powerful online event on the partial lunar eclipse for an hour of deep initiatory experience. Come delve into the depths of your soul as the lunar illumination support the anchoring of your integration and inner transition!

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Soul Alchemy: Resurrecting Your Column of Light

Zoom Workshop with Alice Heath & Melissa Virtue

Come journey with Ascended Masters Anubis and Serapis Bey through a deep alchemical healing to Resurrect Your Column of Light!

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Priestess of the Golden Age: Light Within

Zoom Workshop with Alice Heath & Melissa Virtue

Welcome back to your Golden Truth, Heart Centre, Remembrance of who you truly are in this powerful dance of Light

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Priestess of the Golden Age: Ignite Her

Zoom Workshop with Alice Heath & Melissa Virtue

Join us in this workshop where we Ignite within you the key codes of your Ancient Lineage!

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Free Offerings

Harmony, Ease and Balance – A Free Equinox Workshop

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

Equinox Joy and Energetic Rebalancing awaits in this free workshop!

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LET LOVE IN! A Free Lionsgate 8:8 Mini Workshop!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

It’s time to step through the Gateway of the Heart…Feel your Soul sing to you…Reset the Energy field to Beautiful, Radiant Love…Your Unified Heart-Fire Awaits!

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Rising Up! A Super Solstice workshop!

Online Workshop with Alice Heath

So many of us crave and wish for more in life. Yet if it was so simple to attain, we’d already be there, surely..? So then why aren’t we..? Join Alice on Thursday 20th June for this FREE Super Solstice Workshop…time to RISE UP!

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The Darkest of Nights birth the Brightest of Dawns!

FREE Online Workshop with Alice Heath

When we’re feeling happy and loved, life is easy…simple…blissful! Yet, what about when faced with challenge? Conflict? Controversy..? What is the easiest, quickest way back to joy?

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Healing From Rejection

FREE Online Workshop with Alice Heath

In the wonderful world we are creating, one of inclusivity, acceptance and compassion, there is no place for rejection! Join Alice on Friday 7th July to heal this deep wound!

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Knowing Peace Amidst Chaos

FREE Online Workshop with Alice Heath

Join Alice on Tuesday 28th March to reset your point of gravity and be the powerful creator of reality you came here to be! If there was ever a time to stand in Your True and Powerful Heart with a well equipped Mind…it’s NOW!

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Barefooting for Love, Connection and Joy!

Free 30 day Video Series

Remember your true connection to all things joyful in this grounding experience!

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Yoni Love – Remembering the Sanctity of the Womb

Free Video Series

Welcome to this free video series to help you (re)connect with the wisdom of your womb!

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30 days of Love and Forgiveness

Free 30 Day Video Series

Please join me for this free video series where we find our way back to our Heart, back to Unity Consciousness.

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Let’s Meditate!

Free 30 Day Video Series

Welcome to this free video series to help you learn to calm your mind with ease. Created especially for those who have found silent meditation a little challenging and truly wish to master this spiritual art!

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Medicine of the Heart: Ceremonial Cacao

Zoom Workshop with Alice Heath

Ceremonial cacao is an ancient and extremely sacred form of heart medicine and deep gateway to embodying our True Bliss…originating from South America, it is considered to be a divine spiritual elixir and ritualistic medicine. It connects us to the Cosmic Heart, and the Cosmic Womb…the Divine Mother too, through Mama IxCacao – the Goddess of Cacao!

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